B and B Home

CountessaRoxanna Creations


Developer for IMVU. I am anewer Creator there and am having a lot offun with it. I also teach Developing to new comers. I am currentlyfacing my biggest challenge. I am teaching my better half how todesign. Viper will soon be launching his line of products...Hoping soanyway. I am also getting my boys into the creating process...A saferway for them to enjoy the learning of design and computers.
This site will link you toall our products. And give sneak peak's of some of the things we areworking on at the moment.

Thanks to all that havestopped bye. And Happy Shopping.

I have my product pageshidden at the moment til I get it all finished  and organized.
New added this week
5 AP Raquel Boosties
LV Vintage Purse
1 Room BW affordable
{CR5} HCC Dance Floor
{CR5} HCC DJ Booth
Working on the speakers.


HTML Help, tweaks and code -- IMVUCODE.com

~Viper Jb~ Development

Developer N00b and Mesher.In the process of creating and launching My Product line.

Hoping to have my firstproducts submitted by August 1.

If time and patience willallow me.

I am looking forward to mynew venture...Hope you will be happy with them as well.
